Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The New Boston Trio

1. Boston Celtics

Allow us to introduce: Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, James Posey and Eddie House.

Dearly departed: Al Jefferson, Delonte West, Wally Szczerbiak, Ryan Gomes and Gerald Green.

Is that confetti in your hair? Is it any surprise that an Emerson grad and childhood Celtics fan did more to revive Boston's NBA franchise than any player since the Original Big Three? New Seattle general manager Sam Presti has the Sonics set up for the future (regardless of where they might be playing), but by trading Allen to Boston, he also paved the way for Garnett's arrival. K.G., Allen and Pierce might need a half-season to jell, but if they live up to their potential, the Celtics will be NBA finals contenders.

How's Cancun in June? There's a reason Doc Rivers' heart skipped a beat when Pierce recently hit the court hard in practice. The Celts have no bench. Or at least not much of one. James Posey was a good low-cost investment, but Boston will also need quality minutes from House and Tony Allen.

In the crosshairs: Garnett finally has the help he's long sought. Now it's on him to prove he can do something with it. One playoff run past the first round doesn't stand out on the Hall of Fame résumé.

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